What a wonderful, loving, magnificent celebration it was. Certainly the biggest honoring in my lifetime. I'm so grateful and blessed to have Amanda in my life and all the joy, creativity, kick-ass-ness and love that she embodies. Thanks Love for throwing such an awesome party. And thanks to so many of my friends and family for showing up and celebrating with me. Standing in the middle of all of you during my circle blessing was truly profound.
And we ate and drank and danced....even belly danced, reminisced, played ping pong, torched a lot of candles, sang and simply enjoyed being together.
It was the first time many had seen our home: Amanda's and my baby that we have brought into creation has been our collaborative art project of the past few years. And at Amanda's suggestion I 'auctioned' off many of my ceramic creations. It was the first time I put them (and myself) out there and they were incredibly well received and we raised a lot of money for causes that are meaningful to me. I'm happy to know and touched that they are now part of the lives of people I care deeply about.
I'm so grateful for all of the beauty, love and life I've lived and have waiting for me to live...

My Love. Thanks :)

The Man in the Middle

Thanks Toupee for getting me into and keeping me out of trouble. And always being there.

50 candles is a lot...wonder if I can fit 100 on a cake?

The day after I celebrated with Mom...cake and candle and narrated the slide show of my life with her. Very sweet. I'm grateful for all you have done for me...especially bringing me into this world.